Filament (noun):
the wire element that illuminates an incandescent bulb.

At Filament Inc., it is our job to be the element that helps agencies better communicate and connect with clients, prospects and each other.

The combination of strategic insight, personal coaching and a commitment to bringing out the best in each individual’s communication style has helped Filament's pitch consulting and training clients continue to grow in what the rest of the industry would consider a very difficult market.

Since 1997, we have worked with advertising agencies, media companies and communications organizations as new business pitch consultants and trainers in presentation skills, team communication skills, selling creative concepts and effective management communication skills.



Finding Your Presentation Voice

Having worked at 100+ agencies and trained or coached thousands of people in presentation skills, I have reached a conclusion that are plenty of different ways to a great presentation and just as many ways to do a poor presentation. While this may seem counterintuitive, my point is that there is no one way to do it.

All too often agencies bombard their prospects at pitches with all of the information that the agency knows and all of the different strategies that could work...
“The act of communicating is about revealing who you really are. It's not about imitating some other great presenter. You have to develop your own way...

Brian takes the old quote “It’s not what you say… it’s how you say it” and makes it come alive with easy to follow techniques for delivering complex messages in compelling ways.

19 Oakwood Drive
Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743

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