Filament Website Press Release
October 10, 2011

The following article entitled All Hands on Deck was published in the recent issue of Med Ad News. Mark Schnurman writes a monthly column entitled Pitch Therapy for Med Ad News about pitching new business.

When I am with a new client working on a pitch, I am usually asked how other agencies handle the responsibilities of writing the deck. While revealing how a particular agency handles deck writing would be like revealing Kentucky Fried Chicken’s secret recipe, there are basically two different philosophies of deck writing represented by a deck dictator versus a deck democracy.

The deck dictator scenario is where one person writes every deck. The biggest advantage of the pitch dictator is that the agency is assured of a consistent flow and cadence to the deck with a low chance of inconsistencies. This typically makes it much easier for the audience to track with the presenters and follow the story. While this is the only significant advantage, the advantage is enormous and should not be overlooked.

The disadvantages of the pitch dictator are numerous. The most obvious is...

Click here to read the entire article.









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