Great game! Congrats to the Chiefs and my friends in KC. The spots had some great highlights for me and a few head scratchers as well.
The Martin Agency’s Oreo “let me twist on it” campaign is brilliant. A never ending supply comes out of one perfect idea that no other cookie/snack company can own. The definition of great work!
Ogilvy’s Dove spot was wonderful. Great message and clearly ownable by Dove. It was great to see the next iteration of the campaign. Congrats!
DunKings – I laughed out loud:-)
Kawasaki’s business in the front, party in the back ad from Goodby was 80’s inspired genius. It seemed like there was a lot of 80’s influence in the commercials this year and GS&P nailed it. Putting on mullet on an eagle was impressive!
Arnold as the State Farm rep is perfect. Perfectly branded to State Farm. Plenty of territory for campaignability. Loved it.
Head scratcher #1 – It seems like a miss to me that Jeff Goldblum was in two different Super Bowl spots. Is he that critical a casting choice that you think “I just can’t do this without Jeff.”
Head scratcher #2 – I realize that there is no way to find out if Flashdance is being used by another agency but that was weird. I thought both commercials were great but they were so similar. The next time an agency thinks that a client stole their idea from a pitch and gave it to another agency… maybe two agencies came up with the same idea. Crazy stuff!
Head scratcher #3 – Taking politics out of the equation, I did not get the Kennedy ad at all. After a little research, I see that it is a recreation of JFK’s 1960 presidential campaign ad. So the idea was to run an spot that was a recreation of a 63 year old campaign… that only people well into their 70s would remember (or people that are bigger history nerds than me, which is a relative high bar). If my definition of great work is the Oreo “let me twist on it” campaign, the Kennedy spot is the definition of a headscratcher.
Congratulations everyone! Get some well deserved rest.